The Experience

Facilitating Active Living was a class that I took in the fall of 2019 and was a vary fun and interactive class that was completely focused on ways to improve ones ability to live a life that was active. It gave me the necessary tools to combat a sedentary lifestyle that I sometimes struggled with. It did a great job at being able to provide me with specific nutrition information as well as how to target specific muscle groups when exercising. It also stressed that even “light” exercises can have a tremendous affect on becoming healthier. Brisk walking was always something that was mentioned. The discussion posts were interesting and encouraging. One of the discussion posts was directed at debunking any exercise myths out there that may inhibit people from attaining actual good health. This taught me the importance of credibility in sources – especially when the advice would be something I was going to try implementing. One of the most memorable assignments/aspects of this course was the summative report that was due at the end of the semester. During the semester we were to think of a health goal that we wanted to achieve. It had to follow the S.M.A.R.T format. For me it was breaking the habit of beginning to binge eat again and to lose 20 lbs. If I wanted to achieve my goal by the time i specified, I had to reduce my caloric intake by 500 calories. This was to come through a modification of caloric intake. Our professor introduced us to two great tools that we would be using weekly to achieve our goal – this was an application called Training Peaks, and MyFitnessPal. The weekly logs helped me significantly to see where I needed to focus and it gave me a level of accountability. The summative report was a reflection to look back on the progress made and to see if we wanted to be where we were, and if not, what could be modified. This class provided me with the necessary tools to sustain a life of healthy living and well-being and showed me the importance of exercise, and self-control with eating. This aligns with the learning outcome.