The Experience

Organization & Administration of Health Services is a class that I am currently at the end of (Spring 2020). This course is centrally focused on health disparities inside and outside the United States. This includes things such as access to care, location, and cost. It also focuses on the social determinants and barriers of health services and examines federal, state and local organizations and their role in the delivery of health care. This class calls for writing three different comparison paper regarding the health care systems of the United States and a different country . These are 1) Health Care Finance, Policy, and Population Health Comparison, 2) Medical Care Delivery, and 3) The Future of Health Care in the USA. As health care systems and policies and even data are changing all the time, this class really helped me to be attentive to not only credible content, but ensuring the sources are within the past 5 years. It also helped form my writing skills by being able to abstract the important information and put it into my own words. Three relatively large papers also help to refine my skills for current APA citations. This was challenging especially when I was researching the financial infrastructure of a foreign country (in my case it was Austria). Part of good writing is good thought and articulation. The discussion boards in this class required critical thinking backed by credible sources. All of these things I gained in my writing are in line with the learning outcome.