Reflective Self-Assessment

I was so happy to be a part of the academic adventure of the Northern Arizona University Health Sciences degree program. Looking back, the diversity in courses equipped me with the necessary knowledge to move forward in my personal and professional life. The fully-online format gave me the flexibility that I needed to balance my personal, work and academic life. I believe that each course contributed to my growth in character, and I am grateful for that. These courses enhanced my writing skills, communication skills, self-awareness and gave me practical methods to approaching positive change in my self, my relationships and within my work life. It also taught me the importance of commitment. As a result of the experiential and academic knowledge that I gained I have become a better clinician, husband, father, brother, and son. Going forward, I plan to apply to PA school, and the knowledge I received through NAU will act as the foundation for my academic future. One day I would like to practice as a physician assistant and go on medical mission trips. This would entail providing care to undeserved and poor populations in other countries. I am especially grateful to all the Health Science professors who helped pave the way during my journey, and the valuable lessons they taught me!

Me and my daugher!